A visit from Saint Nicholas to a light fan

'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the way
not a thing was seen stirring
except the year's light display.

There was Dasher and X-10's
there were circuits galore
there were thousands of lights,
still it "needed" some more.

And out on the lawn,
there arose such a clatter
that I sprung from my bed
to see what was a matter.

I flung open my window
To look at the street
It was there I saw Santa
with some lights at his feet.

"I noticed your yard,"
said the jolly old elf.
"So I thought I'd stop by, and
offer some help."

"You have quite a few lights,"
Santa said with a ring.
"But you can never have too much
of a very good thing."

So he took out his lights
and pulled the plugs free.
He strung ten thousand bulbs
along all of my trees.

Then he winked, touched his nose,
and ran to his sleigh.
Just as quick as he had landed
Saint Nick was away.

But I heard him exclaim,
ere he drove out of sight,

-Stephen Bowden (banastreta@aol.com)

Last updated June 12, 2001